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Eklavya Global CHAMPS rocked at Khelmahakumbh in all the categories..

Eklavya Global CHAMPS rocked at Khelmahakumbh in all the categories..


Teachers Day Celebration

Teachers Day Celebration Teachers day at Eklavya Global School was celebrated with the essence of Indianness. The adoration ceremony took place amidst the school principal Mrs. Jessy Roy, the Vice Chairman Mr. Chetan Shah and the staff members. Senior students shouldered the task of school managemetnt very efficiently. A grand salutation to the entire teaching…

The final round of Extempore

The final round of Extempore was held today amidst the school principal Mrs. Jessy Roy, the vice principal Mrs. Nisha Ganatra and the staff. All praises to Ms. Diya Shah(Grade VIII), Ms. Shreya Shah(Grade VIII), Ms. Hetvi Kariya(Grade VIII), Ms. Krisha Radadiya(Grade VIII), Ms. Selvi Mehta(Grade VII), Ms. Nirali Rathod(Grade VII) and Ms. Vedantiba Vaghela(Grade…