The Central Education Board (CBSE) was constituted in1952 and reconstituted in the year 1962.
- More than 15,000 schools are affiliated with the CBSE in 25 countries including India.There are 8 regional offices of the Board located at Ajmer, Chennai, Allahabad, Delhi, Guwahati, Panchkula, Bhubaneshwar and Patna.
- Pan-India curriculum that has a common framework across the country allowing easy mobility for students.
- CBSE has well designated programmes on Life Skills, Adoslescent Education and Global Health Survey.Around 32 vocational courses are also provided to students by CBSE under vocational studies.CBSE promotes students talents in Sports, Mathematics, Science and IT at national and international forums. The students from schools affiliated to CBSE participate in the Inter School Sports and Games Competitions held annually at Cluster, Zonal and National level in 17 broad disciplines.
- The introduction of new dimensions to education through Life skills, Adolescence Education Program, Physical Health, Disaster Management etc. has made the curriculum more comprehensive.
- Introduction of new vocational streams like Entrepreneurship, Fashion Technology, Biotechnology, Financial Markets Management, Creative Writing and Translation Studies, and more recently, Media Studies provides students various options for pursuing lucrative careers in new areas.
- As it is uniform in all over country so it is very beneficiary for students whom parents have transferrable jobs as well who wants to compete at national level.
- Eklavya Global School is top CBSE School in Junagadh.
- Eklavya Global school is a community where everyone learns together, where each person has individual rights and responsibilities. We are committed to providing a safe and orderly educational environment, supplying each child an opportunity to grow academically, increase self-esteem, physical and mental health, and to develop an appreciation for the fine arts.
- Our school follows and adheres to the CBSE Standards. Our school includes policies to enable students to learn in an atmosphere of trust and respect. These policies and procedures help to develop, within the individual, a sense of good judgment consistent with a desirable system of values.

CBSE School Junagadh