E – News letter (To be launched today)
We feel quite happy to launch the maiden volume of our E – Newsletter “The Global”. We wish our readers a happy reading! Click Here to Download e-news-letter
We feel quite happy to launch the maiden volume of our E – Newsletter “The Global”. We wish our readers a happy reading! Click Here to Download e-news-letter
PTM with a difference ! Parents of our students were called in for a round of discussions with the teachers regarding the progress and diffculties of their wards .We were happy to see the very confident students of class VII & VIII volunteering the PTM. They could volunteer the theme “SWACHCHA JUNAGADH, NO SPITTING ON…
Here are the Glimpses of Navratri Celebration of Grades I to IX #EklavyaGlobalSchool #Junagadh
हिंदी भाषा दिवस दिनांक १४ सितम्बर २०१७ को एकलव्य ग्लोबल स्कूल, जूनागढ़ में हिंदी भाषा दिवस बहुत ही उत्साह के साथ मनाया गया A इस दौरान विद्यालय में विशेष प्रातःकालीन सभा का आयोजन किया गया जिसके अंतर्गत हिंदी के अध्यापक श्री अमरेश तिवारी जी ने छात्रों को हिंदी भाषा के महत्त्व से परिचित करायाA सभा…
Eklavya Global CHAMPS rocked at Khelmahakumbh in all the categories..
As we believe “Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator.”
At Eklavya Global School, our students are learning verbal as well as non verbal communications through Personality Development training given by Ms. Sophiya, our communicator from MEXICO.
Teachers Day Celebration Teachers day at Eklavya Global School was celebrated with the essence of Indianness. The adoration ceremony took place amidst the school principal Mrs. Jessy Roy, the Vice Chairman Mr. Chetan Shah and the staff members. Senior students shouldered the task of school managemetnt very efficiently. A grand salutation to the entire teaching…
Eklavya Global Champions of Khel Mahakumbh – Skating Competition 2017
Students of Eklavya Global School ROCKED again at Khel Mahakumbh.
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